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Warhammer Empire Border Princes Update - Halberdiers

 After sitting out January I've got back into the swing of things with February's Old World Army Challenge.

 The latest addition to my Borders Princes force are a 15 man halberdier unit which includes a champion, standard bearer and drummer.

 I wanted to achieve a real varied look to my unit by using as many different looking troops as possible; men who have hailed from across the Old World seeking fortune and a better life.

 • 15 Halberdiers including champion, standard bearer and drummer from the principality of Myrmidens - 208 points.

The story so far - bit of a crap pic but it'll do

 It's not the most detailed banner ever made but that's about the limit of my freehand. On the plus side I've always wanted to paint a halberdier unit so that's another thing to draw a line under and I'll probably expand it at some later date.

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