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The Digit-al Dozen Does Mythical Creatures - Day One

It's Digit-al Dozen week again!  This week's theme is Mythical Creatures.  To be honest, this is one of my least favourite themes that we will be doing this year.  I actually wanted to skip it, particularly because I am not a big fan of theme but also because I am in a little bit of a nail funk at the moment.  I am definitely lacking the motivation to paint my nails, let alone do nail art.  Anyway, I'll be pushing through this week and hopefully finding my motivation again.

I thought dragons were a great place to start with this week's theme.  I absolutely love this dragon scale image from Powder Perfect's Kings & Castles 1 plate.  I love the extra detail in it.  For my base I used OPI Just Spotted The Lizard and stamped using Hit The Bottle's As Black As Night.

I'm so excited to see the other girls manis.  I just know there is going to be some amazing manis coming out of this week.

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