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SunnyGal Holiday Giveaway

Happy Holidays to blog readers and sewers everywhere.   Time for a SunnyGal Blog Giveaway!  I appreciate everyone that reads and comments, and feel connected to others around the world that share my passion and enthusiasm for sewing in a way that we all could only have imagined just a few years ago.

I was finishing up my Christmas shopping the other day and decided to add one blog reader to the list.   So someone will receive a 1/2 lb. box of See's Candy, which is just the right size to fit in one of those small flat rate postal boxes.

What does that have to do with sewing?

Maybe nothing, but it is a treat and a very local one at that, I think everyone who has grown up in California is familiar with See's Candy.  See's is a west coast tradition, with stores completely done in black and white decor, including the salespeople who wear very vintage looking uniforms (think 50's nurse outfits) with black bows and buttons.  I confess that I have a take it or leave it attitude to most things chocolate (yes - my family thinks I am crazy) but See's is delicious.   

See's candy box

I had always been ambivalent about the superiority of See's candy, but a few years ago I became a believer.  I was getting ready for a combined business trip and vacation to Italy and my mother insisted I bring both my business hosts and my friends some gifts.  She suggested See's candy.  In her words "everyone likes it."  I countered with the fact that they have all kinds of delicious treats and chocolates in Italy so why should I bring that, plus did I really want to add 4 or 5 pounds of chocolate to my suitcase?  But in the end I listened to my mother (another victory for moms everywhere) and she was right.  But not as we expected.  
Unfortunately and for the first time ever in my traveling life my luggage did not arrive in Milan when I did, leaving me to apologize to my business hosts for arriving empty handed.  On a fashion note, I had worn a black suit on the airplane, and had several tops and other important items in my carry-on as well as all my toiletries (back when you could carry any and everything in your carry-on) so my Italian hosts were somewhat amazed that I could look reasonably well put together for 2 WHOLE DAYS without my suitcase.  Believe me, I astonished myself as well.  That taught me a valuable lesson on packing for travel but that is a topic for another day.  I concluded my business meetings, went back to my hotel to check out and call the airline, finding my suitcase had arrived.  So I hauled my candy laden suitcase onto the train to Venice to meet my friends who live there.  I gave out all the See's chocolate boxes to my friends, their parents and my pal Chiara's boss who hosted a dinner party.   At the office the next morning he confessed that after we all left, he and his wife ate the entire 1 pound box because they could not stop.  Everyone else thanked me profusely and raved so I became a believer.  Now it is my go to gift for all occasions - can't miss.

Just a warning for all chocoholics.   I see on their website, Sees.com that they have a few shops in other states, in Japan and Hong Kong, as well as online.

So if you are interested in this giveaway,  please leave a comment below or sign up to follow the blog. I will select from everyone who comments or signs up to follow the blog between now and Jan 2 by random drawing.  

Sewing plans:  next week I will be making a black wool coat, as I decided my wardrobe was missing a dressy coat for winter or evening outfits.  So hopefully I will get that finished by Dec 31.  Stay tuned.

Happy Holidays to everyone 

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