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'Godzilla' (2014) Review

So I went to go see Godzilla last night and I thoroughly enjoyed it despite hearing about some things from early reviews that worried me about the movie. If you're going to this movie expecting tons of monster fighting you'll have to wait a while and Godzilla isn't revealed until about an hour into the film but when he makes his grand entrance and you experience his epic roar, you'll realize it was worth the wait! All of the scenes involving Godzilla contained great action for the most part. Anyways one of the complaints I saw from an early review was that Godzilla was too fat but I disagree as I think they sized him appropriately considering he is the king of monsters. Anyways other complaints involved the story and lack of character development but I liked the story and was entertained throughout the whole movie. I do somewhat agree that the characters were underdeveloped but the acting was incredible. Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Elizabeth Olsen, and Bryan Cranston stood out amongst the cast despite not getting the most screen time and I can't wait to see Taylor-Johnson and Olsen back on the big screen in Avengers: Age Of Ultron as Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver! Overall, a great movie but I do think it was underwhelming from what I had seen from the trailers. But I did enjoy it! 

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