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Screen Grabs taken from Jessie J's "Do it like a dude"

Illustrate or amplify the lyrics well!
This screen grab illustrates and definitely amplifies the lyrics well for the reason that the lyric which is repeated throughout each chorus is “grab my crotch, wear my hat low like you” and the screen grab showcased here clearly depicts the ‘grab my crotch’ lyric as Jessie J is pictured with one hand covering her crotch and looking as though she is grasping it. Additionally, if you look behind Jessie J – towards where her back up dancers are situated, they are also depicted with one hand grabbing onto their hat, again amplifying the lyric well, that is, ‘wear my hat low like you.’

Close up/reaction shot to show expression on Jessie J's face.
The close up of Jessie J’s face depicts her reaction so that the audience are able to see the artists expression. By doing this, the audience might feel as though they connect with the singer better as they are able to study and look closely at the expression that Jessie J has written across her face, as they attempt to understand why the singer’s expressions may match or be different to the lyrics she is singing. For example, if Jessie J was singing something upsetting or shocking, the audience would expect to see a saddened expression on her face not watching her smile. So by having a reaction shot of the artist the audience can then identify the singer’s reaction and decide whether it is the right expression for the right lyric.
Interesting framing/mise en scene/camerawork
I found this particular screen grab to be quite an interesting frame for the reason that the shot is filmed as a low angle shot focusing on Jessie J as she is the main focus point in the shot and also makes her look as though she is an authority figure, someone who has a lot of power and respect for herself. Additionally, I love the colours used in the backdrop of the scene, the setting is darkened and would almost be pitch black if it wasn’t for the tiny ray of light shining in from behind Jessie J. The little bit of light that has been used in this shot exemplifies Jessie and makes her stand out to the audience. What is more, is that as the backdrop is mostly darkened this also draws attention to the clothing Jessie is wearing as she is depicted wearing a bright orange hoody and red lipstick, again drawing more attention to herself letting the audience know that this shot is all about her and she is the main focus point in this frame.

Interesting mise-en-scene:
I found these two shots to have a really interesting mise-en-scene due to the fact that each shot both had a lot going on for them, as they were filmed in quite dark, dreary settings but included little rays of light shining into the shot again focusing specifically on the singer and her dancers. The small amount of light simply makes the mise-en-scene look even more interesting as in a way it looks as though the light is creating a mist which is being created both above and around the singer, looking as though they are being absorbed and pulled into the mist. Additionally, in the first frame there is quite a few females pictured sitting around whilst crouching over, lying down and so on whilst Jessie J is illustrated standing up right walking past them and glancing in their direction as though she is the “ring leader” of the group and everything is about her. Again, this is shown in the second frame as Jessie and her dancers are depicted standing in a triangle with Jessie standing at the front. Perhaps, this indicates that yet again she is control of the situation and the people standing behind her are her followers doing everything that is asked of them by Jessie. Jessie is clearly the dominant, powerful, attention seeking individual in both frames and the mise-en-scene continually draws attention to this.

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