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A trip down Roman holiday lane...

I couldn't believe it! There next to the lemon iced tea - PEACH ICED TEA! I know this sounds a little strange, but years ago I took a trip to Rome with my then partner and we constantly drank iced tea (it was just too fricking hot not to) and we fell in love with the peach flavoured tea.
Street vendors, shops and bars all stocked it. However when we returned to Ireland - we could only get the mixed fruit and lemon flavours!
So I am delighted it's finally come to Ireland! FINALLY! One sip and I was back sitting by the fountain, clutching my shopping and maps...
It did remind me of that trip though and the fun I had. I think I was about twenty-ish, maybe twenty one. I had a hippies taste in clothing - note the green knitted beret! I also stole quite a bit of boyfriend (at the time) clothing - note the stripy T-shirt! It reminds me of the fun (like when we took over the basement of a club near the train station - I ended up doing handstands on the floor), when we found an amazing African cafe (that sold traditional food for very little - gorgeous), the bad times ( seeing people shooting heroin for the first time), the shopping (Rome has one of the longest shopping high streets in Europe), the culture (museams, galleries and erm, the zoo) and most of, being stupid and in love and twenty years old. Which makes me smile. At twenty, you think you know everything about everything and everyone - which five years later makes you realise - you were an arse....

(That duffle coat I am wearing met a terrible end though! It was stolen from my studio in Limerick School of Art and Design - right off my desk while I was in art history - I hope who ever stole it was kept warm for the winter, and possibly broke a limb)

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