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A Fashion Label That's Ethical to a Tee

I'd like to introduce you to a new label that's trying to make the world a better place, one tee at a time. Here's my recent interview with the passionate owner and founder of The Little White T Shirt Company, Lynette Scott. 

Q. Can you tell us a little about how The Little White T Shirt Company was conceived?

I have always had an interest in clothing from a consumer standpoint. However, last year I became very conscience of the ethics and sustainability behind what we purchased. So after a few drinks one night, I decided to tackle the situation head on. And so came about The Little White T Shirt Company - a clear conscience clothing line where everything is Fairtrade, Organic or Sustainable.
Q. What are the keys factors that make The Little White T Shirt Company an ecologically responsible choice for shoppers?

We manufacture in a zero discharge facility in Tamil Nadu India. We also have wind turbines which provide the majority of the electricity for our production.

Q. What does it mean to be certified Fairtrade and who benefits?

There are many people who benefit from the Fairtrade certification premium, including cotton planters and growers who are paid a fair price for their raw products all the way through the supply chain to the manufacturer. 
Fairtrade premiums put back into the community other great things including education programmes, health care and other things we take for granted such as clean drinking water.

Q. When it comes to fashion, who and what inspires you?

Many designers inspire me, but their ethics are still a long way behind what I would hope to achieve. I am truly inspired by Amanda Ryan at bachhara and what she is achieving in her ethical production of clothing in Bangladesh.
Q. You’re from Western Australia, home to Australia’s only internationally recognised biodiversity hotspot (the Southwest Australia Ecoregion) – do you have a favourite native plant or animal?

I love EVERYTHING about WA. It would be very hard for me to choose a favourite animal or plant as there are so many, but if I had to choose then I would say a quokka is my favourite WA animal, it's a tiny marsupial which lives on beautiful Rottnest Island. My favourite plant would have to be Kangaroo Paws, they have a beautiful bloom and a wonderful furry type flower. 
Q. In your opinion, what is the most pressing environmental concern for the 21st century?

Sustainability of the planet in many areas are the most pressing issues for the world globally. We are populating the planet faster than our resources can be replenished. We need to find ways of providing sustainable products without genetically modifying them. We need to harness what nature is providing us with and nurture it.

Q. What does the future hold for The Little White T-Shirt Company?

Hopefully, GROWTH! We hope that people will understand with ethics and sustainability we are nurturing the planet and its people. We all need clothing, so let's at least all try to make the right choice in where we purchase and what we purchase. Cost cannot be the biggest factor as low cost's mean low ethics, low standards and quality.

You can also find The Little White T-Shirt Company on Facebook

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